WaveRiders Technology in a New Age
The COPNet family..
... delivering to the Internet since 1993
* The award-winning COPNet family is a popular online mix of content and services including private forum boards, products, services, travel, fitness, entertainment plus a host of niche content areas specifically designed to appeal to the Law Enforcement Community, the general public and advertisers alike

* COPNet Radio is the internationally syndicated radio show where police issues, crime-prevention, police-community relations, and citizen interaction is the talk.
WaveRiders exclusively provide COPNET Radio the following Internet services:
- archiving the radio shows on a per show segment basis
- manage email for the radio show staff
- development and maintenance of the COPNET Radio Web site
* Weekly listeners of COPNET - The Police Radio Network show tune-in from California, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Colorado, Alaska, D.C., Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Montana, over the border in Canada and even in Johanusburg, South Africa, and the list is growing!

* CopMall, the showcase of products and services, and COPNet.org are profiled weekly on the COPNET Radio live broadcast.

CopMall COPNet COPNET Radio
Web pages created by WaveRiders,LLC ©1997.
Copyrights on all graphics belong to WaveRiders, LLC ©1997.
Contact sales@waveriders.net.